JetWind Power Corporation - Logo

A commercial jetliner taking off from Burbank airport, a freight train cutting through the thick Texas air on its way to Houston, a military Chinook helicopter ascending from Hickam Air Force Base.  These modes of transportation have many similarities, but among the most underappreciated is that they all generate enormous amounts of high-speed wind as an unused byproduct of burning massive quantities of fossil fuels. Our mission is to capture this kinetic energy and transform it into useable electricity, utilizing our specially designed compact wind turbines.

The concept behind JetWind Power Corporation is to simply recover high-speed, man-made wind generated by various modes of heavy transportation (e.g. planes, helicopters, trains) in order to produce electricity for local use utilizing specialized compact wind turbine technology. The self contained “pods” in which the turbines are positioned have a unique, patented internal foil shape that captures powerful gusts of wind and accelerates this already high velocity wind by up to 16%, driving even higher power generation. Each pod can house up to 5 highly efficient wind turbines able to withstand extraordinary wind velocities and transform wind that was previously a wasted byproduct  into three phase useable electricity that plugs directly to the grid, providing added power for the end user. The Energy Capturing Pods (“ECP”s) are self contained units, the size of a U-Haul trailer, powered by solar panels and an onboard battery that maintain the onboard reporting computer. Using GPS technology the ECP has the ability to transmit data to any central reporting station (including wind velocity, power generated, and total carbon savings).

While there are are several possible applications of this ECP technology, we currently anticipate the primary customers of JetWind’s apparatus to be airports/helipads (commercial and military) interested in harnessing the significant wind energy generated by the daily traffic taking place on their grounds. JetWind power has a strategic partnership with Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and they have expressed early interest in becoming a “proof of concept” test site.

The ECPs are made of special materials ( stainless steel and carbon fiber ) that can withstand the repeated, high-energy bursts of wind for years.  They can be easily moved on their wheels and placed in more optimal locations based on traffic demands or permanently fixed in other locations.  They can be configured in rows or stacked.  Modular assembly of components facilitates maintenance.

Development of this project has been aided by wind data simulations per Dr. Paul Kruger, professor at Southern Methodist University Department of Mechanical  Engineering.

Turbine design and manufacturing oversight is by Richard Kline, a globally respected authority on wind turbines  who previously designed projects for NASA.

Assembly in the USA.

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